
  • Q: I heard eggs are quite fattening. Is that true?

    A: Eggs are a good low-kilojoule (about 280 to 331 kilojoules each) food with high nutrient density. Only about a quarter of the fat it contains is the bad, saturated kind. If you are concerned about your cholesterol intake, try to limit your intake of egg yolk to 3-4 per week (a 50g egg contains about 200mg cholesterol).

  • Q: What is the criterion for labeling an egg 'jumbo'? It seems eggs are getting smaller by the day!

    A: Specification for egg sizes (graded by weight in grams) has been changed a few years ago. Small eggs, which used to include eggs of 35g or more, were reduced to more than 33g. Medium eggs remain at a minimum weight of 43g and large eggs remain at a minimum weight of 51g. Extra large eggs have been reduced to 59g and above while jumbo eggs remain at 66g or larger.

  • Q: I was told that brown eggs are healthier or more nutritious than white eggs. Why do egg shells differ in colour?

    A: The colour of the egg can vary with the breed of the chicken; its health and diet. Brown eggs may be slightly less porous than lighter ones, but the contents are the same.

  • Q: Some people do not store their eggs in the fridge, while I prefer to do so. What is the best or the right way?

    A: Eggs can be kept at room temperature for about ten days and in the fridge for up to a month. Due to our warm climate, it is best to store your eggs in the coolest part of the fridge. In many fridges, the egg storage area is the warmest place and should be avoided. The best way to store eggs is in the refrigerator in their original carton, away from strong odours.

  • Q: Sometimes when i break an egg, there is a tiny red spot in the egg yolk. Should i throw the egg away? Is it fertilised or a bad egg?

    A: No, it is usually due to a burst blood vessel on the egg while it is forming. You may use it. However don't use cracked or leaking eggs, as they may have become contaminated with harmful bacteria.

  • Q: I never know at what stage to add salt or cream of tartar to egg whites when making meringue. Can you give me advice?

    A: Cream of tartar is a weak acid that stabilises egg white foam so that it gives the heat time to penetrate without collapsing the foam. I may be added at the beginning of beating, while salt should be added towards the end as it has a slight destabilising effect on the egg white foam if added early.

  • Q: How do I freeze leftover raw eggs?

    A: Egg yolks need to be lightly whisked and have a little salt or sugar added to them before freezing to prevent thickening. For every 4 yolks, stir a pinch of salt or 5ml of sugar. (Remember to label the container either 'savoury' or 'sweet'). Egg whites freeze very well in an airtight container. Whole eggs should be whisked together, transferred to a freezer container and sealed. Write the number of eggs, whites and yolks on the outside of the container before freezing. Frozen egg mixture must be left to thaw before use.

  • Q: What is this 'Omega 3' eggs that are available now days?

    A: These are enriched eggs with higher levels of unsaturated fats (and specifically Omega 3, which is an essential fatty acid). Adding polyunsaturated "good" fats to the hen's diet changes the fat profile of the egg yolk. Omega 3 plays and important preventative role as it can help to protect against heart disease and helps to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. The eggs are also enriched by the addition of Vitamin E to the diet of the chicken.

  • Q: Why do my eggs always crack when I boil them?

    A: An egg that is extremely cold will break when placed into boiling water- so remember to remove eggs to be boiled from the refrigerator a half an hour prior to cooking to ensure that they are at room temperature before placing in simmering water. You may also prick the blunt end of the egg with a needle or egg pierce to allow air under the shell to escape when heated. Placing the eggs in tap water rather than boiling water may also help.

  • Q: Are eggs really the cheapest animal protein?

    A: 18 eggs = 1 kilogram = 18 portions. 1kg of any other animal protein food represents about 8 portions. Eggs are not subject to shrinkage when cooked, thus 1kg of the raw product is equal to 1kg of the cooked product.

  • Q: How and for how long should eggs be stored?

    A: Eggs should be kept in the fridge. They should be stored with the sharp point downwards preferably in the egg rack in the fridge door and not near strong smelling food like fish or garlic. Eggs can be kept in the fridge for up to one month and about ten days at room temperature.

  • Q: Can eggs be frozen?

    A: Eggs can be frozen but not in their shells. Egg white can be frozen without any additions. Whole eggs (mixed thoroughly) freeze excellently with the following additions:
    - For every 12 eggs add - 5ml salt
    - or 20ml sugar
    - or 20ml honey
    - or 20ml glycerine
    - Frozen eggs must be left to thaw before used.

  • Q: What size eggs is referred to in recipes?

    A: When egg sizes are not specified in recipes, it is internationally accepted that large eggs are indicated.

  • Q: How can the blue ring be prevented when boiling an egg?

    A: Crack the eggs after boiling. Place in cold water as soon as they have boiled.

  • Q: Why is it more difficult to shell some boiled eggs?

    A: Fresh eggs don't shell as easily as older eggs.

  • Q: Can eggs be prepared in the microwave?

    A: Eggs can be prepared in the microwave, provided that certain conditions are met.
    Factors that influence the cooking time:
    - Cold eggs taken from the fridge
    - Size of the egg
    - Age of the egg
    - Microwave power

  • Q: Does the shell colour, yolk and storage time have any influence on the nutrient value of the egg?

    A: Colour has no influence on the nutrient value of an egg. A long period in storage does however reduce the amount of water-soluble vitamins.

  • Q: What is the stringy white pieces In egg white?

    A: These are normal components of eggs - the chalazae. This thick, white, rope-like material appears on opposite sides of the yolk during formation of the egg to anchor the yolk in the centre of the egg. The presence of prominent chalazae indicates that the eggs are of a high quality. As eggs become poorer in quality, the chalazae tend to disappear. However, eggs may have small chalazae and still be of high quality. Some users mistakenly think that chalazae are evidence of fertile eggs but they are normal, wholesome parts of the egg white.